Past Trauma- Not A “Get Out of Jail Free” Card

Past trauma does not justify or excuse bad behavior.

People are often familiar with the fact that Scientology abuses its members and it inflicts even more abuse on its children and Sea Organization members (its workforce).

Less understood is that Scientology conditions its members to accept abuse and to be abusive to each other.

Because Scientology technology is taught to all members, civilians and staff, there is no exception. One cannot call themselves a Scientologist without this conditioning.

Every Scientologist is taught to abuse.

These abusive tactics aren’t just reserved for acquaintances, friends, employees, former members, government agencies or anyone they deem enemies, but also their own family members, friends, business associates both in and out of Scientology.

When someone leaves the group, this toxic and abusive conditioning continues often resulting in damaged relationships and societal struggles.

One does not leave a high control, abusive environment to have the repercussions just drift away in the wind.

There is no instant healing.

Between this conditioning and the abuse so many Scientologists endure it is unsurprising that trauma results in mental illness such as PTSD, anxiety, depression, anger issues, aggression and more.

Trauma is devastating. It is life changing.

It is not an excuse for unacceptable behavior.

What do I know? I grew up in a cult!”

There comes a point where it is necessary to decide to take personal responsibility for one’s actions.

Rage and pain is Scientology’s fault, inflicting the same on those around you isn’t.

Being angry and in pain is not a crutch or excuse for creating a toxic environment.

Trauma may be a limited reason for some reactions and emotions but it is not an excuse to stay fixed in those reactions and emotions forever.

You cannot demand sensitivity from everyone in your life for mental health or trauma when you are totally unwilling to return that same sensitivity. Trauma and mental illness are not your fault, and you should never blame yourself for experiencing either of them, but healing and making sure you do not subject the people you love to toxicity is entirely your responsibility.”

Katherine Cullen, MFA, LCSW states in an article for Psychology Today, “Trauma is not, therefore, an excuse for perpetuating harm and suffering, nor a get-out-of-jail-free card for causing emotional or physical pain to others. Trauma may help explain why someone is primed to think, feel, behave, or react in certain manners or in certain contexts. But having experienced trauma is by no means a justification for harmful behavior—and no amount of trauma exempts a traumatized person from being held accountable if and when they hurt others.”

Scientology hides their abuses in the guise of feigned concern, righteousness, advocacy, and the “greatest good.” This is how they condition people to engage in the heinous activities of Fair Game. Scientologists have been brainwashed to believe that they must fight against the enemy – that is anyone who opposes their ideology.

Scientologists are raised with the mentality that one must fight an enemy. Unless one seeks help to overcome this ideology they will continue to look for an enemy to fight, even if it is those on the same side.
Scientologists are masterful at lying and manipulating narratives, drilled on how to lie and how to turn conversations around to appear as though they are the good guys being victimized by anyone deemed a threat.

An enemy, a threat is anyone who disagrees, questions or disputes the groupthink.

Groupthink occurs when a group values cohesiveness and unanimity more than making the right decision.
In situations characterized by groupthink, individuals may self-censor criticism of the group decision, or group leaders may suppress dissenting information.
” –

Right now there is a toxic movement evolving that is in danger of becoming history repeating itself.

Praising, glorifying, defending and excusing the actions of those in desperate need of intense, long term treatment by a trauma specialist is not only preventing healing but enabling the traumatized to avoid taking responsibility.

Victims of Scientology: If you are not aware of gaslighting and narcissistic personality disorders you should acquaint yourselves with the science. It’s not “psych think.” It is a fact borne out by decades of research and study.

You have already been through enough, you have been lied to by your own “church,” by your Scientology family and “spiritual advisors.”

For those on the fence; if you are truly in the “helping to expose Scientology and advocate for victims” game, and connect up with this unhinged group, you will soon find yourselves engaged in a lot of other things that have nothing to do with helping victims of Scientology or exposing Scientology. You will be incited to hate and hold in scorn those not part of this unhinged group, and be exposed to conspiracy theories, warped narratives, and gossip about those not in their group. It is meant to whip you into a frenzy as opposed to doing the actual work.

We are all ultimately responsible for our actions and choices.

We are living in a society caught up in blaming and calling everyone else toxic who may dare to have a differing opinion.

Ultimately however some honest self reflection may reveal that it’s not everyone else that’s the problem.