There IS a Wrong Way

Scientologists are taught that they are Superior Beings to the rest of the world.

Using techniques designed to isolate members from the outside world, Scientologists are taught that “Wogs” (Hubbard’s derisive term for nonbelievers) are out to get them.

Those outside the bubble want to destroy Scientology, the only good thing on this planet.

Mankind’s only hope.

Scientologists regard nonmembers with scorn, condescension and wary tolerance. Their duty is to save us in spite of ourselves, ungrateful and ignorant as we are.

Such an Us v Them mentality is one reason it is so difficult to convince a cult member to leave.

Already preconditioned to suspicion and smug superiority even the calmest attempts at logical discussion will be met with resistance.

One of the best attributes of Leah Remini; Scientology and the Aftermath was that rather than angrily hurling accusations against COS, each show presented a personal account of loss, pain and abuse in a way that was emotional rather than confrontational.

It was thought provoking and human rather than angrily accusatory.

The Aftermath provided factual information from sources in such a way that should a Scientologist on the fence happen to watch an episode, it would be less threatening and in-your-face and more food for thought and consideration.

Tears fell rather than fists raised.

Activism since Remini’s multi award winning documentary has been, for the most part, about exposing the fraud, abuse, crime and deceit of this so-called Church.

Focus has been on the policies and actions by the cult.

Former Scientologist Debbie Cook understood this approach; using facts to expose the issues. Her letter to her fellows was not angry or accusatory. Rather it appealed to Scientology’s own belief system in seeking change.

Over the years this exposition of Scientology’s reality has begun to crumble away at the cult’s foundations. Membership is down, revenue is shrinking and people are challenging the practices now that they know what to look for.

Is Scientology done?


But there has been progress.

Angry attacks, hostile confrontations, shouting abusive recriminations at individual Sea Org (or non involved passersby) as they walk down the street is not only counterproductive but worse, it is solid proof that Wogs are evil and not to be trusted.

That Hubbard was right, society is a hostile and frightening place.

As a Never In, even I know that in Scientology literally everything is carefully controlled information. Every member is not privy to every detail. The left hand may not have the rank to know what the right hand is doing. One executive is in the dark while another has knowledge and even that is carefully controlled.

The Sea Org woman covering the front desk in LA probably has no idea about the accusations being hurled at her. All she knows is that she’s going to be in trouble because while these angry people are outside the door her Stats are going to be down for the week.

Do we need to discourage the public from interest in Scientology?


Is fury the way to accomplish it?

Absolutely not.

Does the grandstanding and theatre of confrontative drama garner views and attention?


Is it going to effect long term change or help someone in crisis right now who is struggling with a decision to leave the cult?

How could it?

Outside of Scientology the world is bad. Non members want to destroy the one hope this planet has for salvation.

What reinforcement of this belief could be more effective than seeing dozens of angry, shouting people outside your building?

Would YOU trust anyone to help you if you looked from your window and saw this?

In the end, is this really any different than this?