Scientology: A Special Report

If Scientology is a Religion then it’s apostolate (propagation of a religion or doctrine) is the destruction of society and its ministry one of hate filled deceit.

L. Ron Hubbard’s rage fueled Catechism is filled with teachings on how to attack and destroy, vengeance, fraud and isolation.

For all acceptable societal mores there is an equal and opposite Scientological directive.

Scientology is the only “church” with a fully trained revenge squad.

Journalist Yashar Ali puts it succinctly.

Here is proof of identity theft. Using someone else’s name, date of birth and their Social Security number in order to obtain flight information. In this way OSA can either head off and recapture someone who has blown or discover and monitor the movements of a target in order to stalk and harass,

In addition to the above instructions, there are also Scientologists who own travel agencies who can be tapped by OSA for this information as well.

Evidence exists of illegal wiretapping in that OSA recorded and transcribed at least one of Professor Touretzky’s phone calls as well as monitoring his chat sessions.
“We now have a person that is on IRC and he has set up a totally secure connection and the line is operational to log the chat sessions. DST is still active on this chat daily.”
Such activity is still being conducted by this “church” as can be seen by the 2015 Tampa Bay Times article revealing the hacking of emails belonging to Mike Rinder, Tony Ortega and others by private investigators connected to Scientology.

Literally thousands (if not hundreds of thousands) of organized and well planned operations exist. Each one follows the same format, policies and directives.

In order to see the depth of planning the Church of Scientology’s OSA engages in what follows is the entire outline of an attack on one Chuck Beatty.

Note how many similarities exist in this operation and what is seen in the vicious attacks on the former members today. The use of lurid sex, the false accusations, the harassment, the hate filled websites.

All highlights and emphasis ours.

Number 1 shows proof that Scientology knew about Beatty’s proclivity towards pedophilia; “…since he had an interest in this area in the past”

David Miscavige and OSA covered this crime up only until Beatty became a liability for them. Then it was revealed.

How many children suffered because Chuck Beatty was protected by Miscavige?

Number 2- Here one cannot help but think of Paul Haggis and Black Ops.

Note 3 under Vital Targets. This means that for many of OSA’s operations Miscavige’s well paid attorneys are being asked to ensure that while the legal line may be trodden, it isn’t exactly crossed. This doesn’t preclude Miscavige from ordering that line crossed when it suits him. However it does indicate that Scientology lawyers, in many cases, know exactly how OSA is operating.

XSO=Ex Scientology Message Board

8- How many times is Leah Remini or Mike Rinder quoted from when they were still in COS? On the various whois… websites created by OSA how often are the target’s own confessions quoted and used against them?

9- This is clearly seen in all the disgusting videos created by OSA of former members’ family speaking against their own.

12. The Dead Agent packs sent by OSA to media in order to discredit and silence Miscavige’s targets.

2D=sexual activity

Again, proof that Miscavige knew about the pedophilia and did nothing about it until he wanted to destroy Beatty. The rest speaks loudly for itself as to how far OSA/Miscavige is willing to go.

Production Target: 6 weeks.

David Miscavige wanted to destroy and silence a man in the span of 6 weeks. Frankly, it would probably have only taken half that time had Miscavige turned in Beatty as soon as his pedophilia was discovered.

The terrifying question is; how many pedophiles are in good standing in Scientology right now and are thus being protected?

Here, laid out plainly and thoroughly is how Office of Special Affairs operates. It is but one example of thousands.

As one reads this blog post OSA is working on dozens (or more) of these operations. Their tentacles reach deeply into every aspect of society in order to have ready tools for these programs. From local police like the LAPD to the FBI, to mayors’ offices to Capitol Hill.

It’s Operation Snow White 2.0.

This is the REAL Church of Scientology.

After all, L. Ron Hubbard was absolutely clear about the objectives for his new religion.

“The goal of the department is to bring the government and hostile philosophies or societies into a state of complete compliance with the goals of Scientology. This is done by high level ability to control and in its absence by low level ability to overwhelm. Introvert such agencies. Control such agencies. Scientology is the only game on Earth where everybody wins. There is no overt in bringing good order.” DEPARTMENT OF SPECIAL AFFAIRS

“Somebody someday will say ‘This is illegal!
By then be sure the Orgs [Scientology Organisations] decide what is legal or not.” -L Ron Hubbard, founder of Scientology

Update & Important Note:

It’s been brought to my attention by people far more knowledgeable about this issue that it is not outside the realm of possibility that Chuck Beatty was not actually guilty of anything at all. As a Never In I am always learning and this was another lesson in just how twisted Scientology truly is. It would seem that even while in COS Auditors are not at all conflicted about adding things to a member’s PC or Auditing folders that frankly aren’t true. First; this never occurred to me and second; I never stopped to connect Beatty’s situation to others like those found in the whois hate sites. Please consider that Mr. Beatty may actually be innocent of anything mentioned by Scientology in his folders. The claims made by COS could simply be more lies and exaggerations in order to ruin his reputation.

10 thoughts on “Scientology: A Special Report

  1. Another standard tactic of scientology/OSA is to put false information/false accusations in to preclear folders. Don’t make the mistake of assuming that Chuck Beatty is a pedophile just because OSA states/implies that he is.
    There are layers and layers of deceit and unbridled mendacity in scientology’s fair game. OSA bots-and Miscavige-are arrogant, ruthless, remorseless, and even gleeful… in their application of L. Ron Hubbard’s sociopathic edicts.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I second Mark’s caution. There is really no way to know what went on in this “pre-clear’s” life. This cult is so sexually repressive, invasive, controlling and prurient that someone may “confess” to availing themselves of a little private stress relief–as literally hundreds of millions are doing globally while I’m writing this. Next thing, even while they’re in good standing, they’re classified as a “pervert” as that gives the cult all the leverage they could ever want.

    (It’s worth remembering that these sec checks include investigations into “raging perversions” such as masturbation, same sex episodes and sex with a member of a different race. That and whether you’ve ever enslaved a planet. It’s equally worth remembering that many exes have reported making stuff up during interrogations just to have something, anything, to report and be left in peace. Or to get kicked off a post they hate.)

    What we DO know is how the cult does behave in a situation like this. For starters, they would do nothing to help victims, assist the perpetrator in dealing with their issues, or seek measures that would prevent future victimizations. Now they have a “perpetrator”, real or made up, they can extort into anything they want. They may do the same to the victims, if any. All the while going to pains toa void any involvement from wog law enforcement, victim advocates, social workers, counsellors or anything similarly odious. If the alleged perpetrator ever leaves, they will not only leak anything he/she ever confessed but won’t hesitate to exaggerate it in the extreme. Or, as your document shows, go to lengths to entangle this person in anything they can use to extort them into silence.

    Another case study for this MO is Miscavige Sr. He was accused of rape. According to him, a case of mistaken identity. But regardless, the cult would have known the truth from its interrogations (assuming the “tech” works, of course). The cult paid for a lawyer for him, and charges were never brought. They doubled down on their confidence in him by allowing him a career as scientology “minister” that brought Ron into the presence of many high-profile “parishioners” and quite a few celebs.

    But as soon as he left and spoke out, they accused him of being a rapist, as publicly as possible. Smeared him, actually, since no charges had ever been filed. Naturally, it was totally lost on them how much they implicated themselves in the process as they had tied their own fate to Ron’s for all those decades. Chalk it up as another spectacular “tech” failure!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you for this. Every time I think I might be starting to get a handle on the pure deviousness, thanks to you, Mark and other former members I discover I’ve only peeled one more layer. The malice of this CULT is starting to seem like a bottomless pit.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. And so it goes with “the most ethical group on the planet”.
    People familiar with this so-called church’s history will know this “policy”(scientology’s ‘scripture’):
    “ENEMY SP Order. Fair game. May be deprived of property or injured by any means by any Scientologist without any discipline of the Scientologist. May be tricked, sued or lied to or destroyed.”

    L. Ron Hubbard, Hubbard Communications Office Policy Letter, 18 October 1967
    INJURED BY ANY MEANS. DESTROYED. AND SO ON. Think about how inclusive and broad that terminology is and then consider the possible crimes that can be committed against the target of fair game…

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Great article Stefani, I appreciate the fact that you immediately updated your reporting to point out a possible error on your part. Unlike Scientology you don’t have any problem being honest and admitting a possible mistake in your reporting. OSA would simply double down on any potentially incorrect information. Hope you are doing well. Pete

    Liked by 2 people

  5. PROTESTERS GOAL IS NOT TO SAVE SCIENTOLOGIST!! That’s your job. The protesters goal is to STOP BODY ROUTING in HOLLYWOOD!! THEY DID WITHIN 3MONTHS!! Now they’re bringing awareness by being at blue buildings.The RESTAURANT is bring awareness to the owner defending Danny and harassing the Jane Doe’s. Showing the people going in and out making the choice to go in knowing fair. Recently 2 SCIENTOLOGIST HAVE ASKED DOA FOR HELP!! Not on camera but we could hear them. ANOTHER ASKED LARA FM. If u say DoA to aggressive, ur wrong.

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