Reaction to David Miscavige’s New Years Speech

December 20, 2023: Tony Ortega brings us a transcript of the New Year’s speech given by Captain David Miscavige.

Tony asked for his readers’ thoughts and we have quite a few.

Within the first few paragraphs the knee jerk reaction was “oh bullshit”.

This response only became stronger as the speech went on.

“Tonight’s finest work from the front lines of ABLE is especially timely picking up as it does when we last met in this Shrine Auditorium and then directly addressing the global engram that ensued.

Many people might remember Miscavige’s smug response to the pandemic back in 2020 when he issued Bulletin No. 88 in which he referred to it as “the current hysteria”. For a refresher the bulletin can be seen in its entirety here, courtesy of Jeffrey Augustine’s Scientology Money Project blog.

Back then the Chairman of the Board clearly felt the pandemic, which would rage across the globe killing millions of people, was a personal affront and an interference with his plans.

Mass hysteria, a global engram (Scientology: a mental image of a past experience that produces a negative emotional effect in an individual’s life.) Miscavige takes it one step further saying “Then again, while enough has been said about the pandemic itself, the most destructive element was not a virus so much as the attendant societal psychotic break.

His compassion here is overwhelming.

“In that regard, this story is also timeless, drawn straight from the universal booklet of living LRH provided as the rock-bottom technology to salvage a culture and create a true Brotherhood of Man.”

In what regard?

What does that even mean?

Apparently Miscavige didn’t know, either because he immediately changed topics from the annoying pandemic to the 2020 BLM riots in Portland, Oregon.

COB proclaimed that “…where underlying passion and prejudice tear away a decency and civility until the city erupts in anarchy and rage; rioters storm downtown Portland for more than 100 consecutive nights while a violent crime wave at the inner city breaks all local records. But standing right in the heart of downtown as a beacon of sanity is our Ideal Org: launch point for Portland Operation Calm.

Organizing a massive mailing of TWTH booklets to “every individual address” Miscavige proudly announces; “All total you’re looking at more than three tons of materials to infuse a ravaged city with nearly 44,000 copies of The Way to Happiness, all in a single postal blitz. Yet, it’s what next happens that enters this story into the pages of Portland’s legend and lore. Because call it magic, call it divine intervention, the very next day after booklets arrived in residents’ hands the nightly riots don’t just let up, they stop cold.”

According to, between 2018 and 2022 the number of households in Portland numbered 283,896.

If Scientology claims to have mailed a booklet to every individual address in Portland, they fell short by 239,896.

More importantly, there was no magic and certainly no divine intervention because the riots did not stop cold and Scientology’s idiotic Operation had nothing to do with ending of anything.

A 2020 Associated Press News article reported “Those clashes ended July 31, when state police took over from U.S. agents under a deal brokered by Brown and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. But smaller protests have continued, with groups of 100 to 200 people marching nightly.”

David Miscavige continues; “And so it rolls street by street through historic old town and every other block and by-road to the city center until staff and volunteers distribute more than 120,000 copies of The Way to Happiness, thereby reaching 100 percent of downtown Portland residents, whereafter and against all odds, Portland hits a turning point with headline news proclaiming a dramatic drop in shootings and homicides. All while total crime plunges below pre-pandemic levels. And yes, that’s calming a raging sea with The Way to Happiness for this New Year’s celebration 2024.”

KOIN 6 News reported on October 1, 2020 that Portland had a 250% increase in shootings in September 2020 vs 2019.

January 15, 2021, Oregon Live reported “Seven fatal shootings in December pushed Portland’s homicides to 55 in 2020, marking the most killings in the city in 26 years.” (Emphasis ours)

KOIN 6 News again reported on the increase of crime in Portland on May 10, 2021 stating “Portland saw a 60 percent increase in the number of homicides in 2020 compared to 2019.” advises “With a crime rate of 66 per one thousand residents, Portland has one of the highest crime rates in America compared to all communities of all sizes – from the smallest towns to the very largest cities. One’s chance of becoming a victim of either violent or property crime here is one in 15. Within Oregon, more than 100% of the communities have a lower crime rate than Portland.”

Miscavige goes on to laud the so-called accomplishments of Applied Scholastics culminating in a slick Golden Era Productions video.

Ironically quoting L. Ron Hubbard, COB declaims “‘Work is the major rule of our existence, whether we like it or not. If we don’t like it, we don’t like life. Even more, lose the man his income or his job and you find him in a bad mental condition.’ Needless to say, the proofs of that were evident everywhere these past years, what with total shutdowns of industry and commerce, hand outs that wiped out entire workforces, and all of the ramifications thereof. Why go on, you see it every day.

Considering that Scientology partook of the “hand outs” in the form of PPP loans, this is hypocrisy at its finest.

At this point in the speech, COB segues into what can only be described as a commercial for the Hibbard Twins, Johnny and Mike, and their Australian home building business. It would seem that these two Scientologists, who Miscavige likens to Thor, are single handedly responsible for fulfilling the Australian dream of home ownership.

“And that’s the story of how Hibbards completes entire developments, 90 houses at a time every five months not only at twice the industry standard speed, but every house 20 percent larger than the industry standard at 20 percent lower cost to homebuyers.”

Does this sound like a home one would want to live in? Someone call Mike Holmes…

While the Hibbard brothers are saving Australia, Hungary is also receiving the Scientology treatment.

It would appear that although Hungary is failing fast, to the rescue comes entrepreneurial wizard Attila Barta.

Attila the Hun-garian’s purpose is “…to boost the Hungarian economy through production of Hungarian-made brands.”

Wait…it’s another commercial.

This IAS Gala speech brought to you by…Florin.

Positively monumental at 7 1/2 minutes, this infomercial leads the listener on a rags-to-riches tale. Including everything from Florin’s almost demise, its product line and growth to present day success, Miscavige wears his company spokesman’s hat well.

COB waxes poetic on Attila’s buyout of Florin, a company that mass produces “…household cleaners to every type of body care, including an allergen-free line and a plant-based cosmetic line, not to mention the revival of cherished legacy brands for the home and the family.

Wonder if the Captain uses their hair care line?

Scientology’s front group WISE is mentioned next with Miscavige claiming that LRH tech, through WISE can literally save nations.

Next time: from Hungary to Ecuador Cap’n Dave keeps his mojo flowing with several new companies and thus the entire country saved singlehandedly by Scientology/WISE.

8 thoughts on “Reaction to David Miscavige’s New Years Speech

  1. In the world of scientology, these kinds of events are ALWAYS based on brazen lies.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Incredible dissecting.

    Overall, from hindsight, the years I was in Scientology, 1975 til 2003/4, I thought even Hubbard was “slipping” off the main message, Hubbard’s own writings and lectures were drifting off the core of what Scientology’s mission was.

    Miscavige drifts into real estate and into sub subjects, all off the core of what Hubbard himself was drifting off of.

    As an ex member/staffer, and I rose into various spectator insider staff jobs where I could be fly on the wall, so to speak, in my final decade among the “upper ranks” people, many whom I’d known for decades.

    The framework, the strategic manager/paperpushers were all Hubbard’s final framework orders to be who they were/are.

    It all falls truly back on Hubbard. Miscavige is the oddball “leader” lord of the flies winning tyrant of the last bunch of leaders he’s beaten into quitting and submission. Going further away from the Hubbard mission.


    In long hindsight, Scientology to me, their mission was longrange “case” alleviation.

    Hubbard’s idea of “case” is our soul memories and/or soul memories from invisible souls with unbeknownst to us, infest our human body, and these invisible souls leak their deep unbeknownst to even these invisible souls’, soul memories over to us telepathically.

    We humans suffer from past lives soul memories we all can’t even see. Plus we have leakage soul memories hitting us and debilitating to us, leaking from all the invisible souls that infest our human bodies.

    Scientology’s pseudo-therapy/exorcism-“soul-freeing” is the Hubbard developed quackery to supposedly alleviate and free us from ALL of the “case” soul memories we are unwittingly and unknowingly debilitated by.


    Hubbard ought never have gone into the marketing ploys, and the paperpusher monumental organizations being so important to Hubbard’s just getting his soul memories alleviation quackery to the public.

    Ex’s most nastily messed up by Scientology were part of the “administrative” framework operations Hubbard enclosed the Scientology quackery outfit within.

    All Hubbard really ought to have done, is stick with his quackery, do it himself, relay the quackery in books or writings, to others to do it on themselves. He ought to have let others do the quackery on their own, no oversight, no cult bureaucracy beating done on them in all directions as official Scientology does today.


    (I’d never today advise anyone do the Hubbard quackery. I think interested people today only need to scan over the Hubbard quackery, which is in three volumes:

    Subject Volume 3
    Subject Volume 4
    “The OT Volume”

    that’s enough, to get the gist of the Hubbard quackery.)


    This whole Miscavige era is just massive megalomaniac Hubbard’s final orders and deeper paperpusher strategic organizational policies (I used to be a Flag OEC/FEBC Courseroom staffer, I know the Hubbard cult bureaucrats’ crap inside out and backwards), which ONLY are paperpusher framework to delivering the Hubbard soul memories alleviation quackery organizations.


    Official Scientology is a weird outfit, and it is what Hubbard in a sense ordered, much of it way worse, due to Miscavige’s personality, but the framework core principles/policies are Hubbard demanded. More benign “leaders” could of course and ought replace Miscavige, someday, to stop the Miscavige extremist Hubbard’s worst, but what the potential future more innately benign future leaders who come to replace Miscavige, will be engulfed in, is this “administrative framework” straitjacket of policies and staff positions and the organizational chart of Hubbard’s which future leaders are NOT allowed to dispense with.

    The Hubbard “admin cult bureaucracy system” is demanded, by Hubbard.


    Only the splinter groups and individuals have the leeway, they’ve all been excommunicated by official Scientology, and the ones kind of most benign out in the world, who I think are most deserving of being called core Scientologists, are:

    The Dror Group in Israel
    Advanced Org Great Plains
    Tom Martiniano
    Trey Lotz
    and my favorite benign Scientology group, “Max Hauri’s” led “Ron’s Org” in Switzerland


    Miscavige was never a viable “auditor” (one who is the empathetic compassionate therapist natural type of human being).

    A Scientology auditor, like a Tom Martiniano, or Trey Lotz, are persons who literally love to be auditors. LIfeling “field auditors” types of persons, who day in, day out, love to sit down and do the one on one Hubbard pseudo-therapy/exorcism-“Soul-Freeing” on another person, are the core core Scientologists.

    Not the more whacko indie Scientologists, I’d never in my life ever recommend them, other than I do listen to them, just to hear their theoretical soul views variations of L. Ron Hubbard’s already far out kooky soul ideas.

    The more benign good natured Scientologists, although sadly, or not, cannot dumb down Scientology sufficiently to the average public, and they will likely more be still trying to lure newbies into doing their benign style of the the Hubbard pseudo-therapy and exorcism though.


    Again, to sum up, Scientology core soul beliefs are that we each are a soul. We have past lives memories which are debilitating to us. We have memories leaking into our minds which leak into us from the invisible souls that infest our human body.

    These two types of soul memories: a) our own, b) from the souls’ minds which infest us, ALL those memories are our “case”.

    Scientology aims to eliminate and alleviate the debilitating effects of our “case.”

    That’s supposed to unleash our native immortal soul ESP/telekinetic and soul-flying abilities to us, doing all this Hubbard pseudo-therapy and exorcism.

    My two cents hindsights of my time in Sea Org, 1975 to 2003, and my interest since leaving Scientology and reading up on it since quitting it in 2003/4.

    Chuck Beatty

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Incredible dissecting.

    Overall, from hindsight, the years I was in Scientology, 1975 til 2003/4, I thought even Hubbard was “slipping” off the main message, Hubbard’s own writings and lectures were drifting off the core of what Scientology’s mission was.

    Miscavige drifts into real estate and into sub subjects, all off the core of what Hubbard himself was drifting off of.

    As an ex member/staffer, and I rose into various spectator insider staff jobs where I could be fly on the wall, so to speak, in my final decade among the “upper ranks” people, many whom I’d known for decades.

    The framework, the strategic manager/paperpushers were all Hubbard’s final framework orders to be who they were/are.

    It all falls truly back on Hubbard. Miscavige is the oddball “leader” lord of the flies winning tyrant of the last bunch of leaders he’s beaten into quitting and submission. Going further away from the Hubbard mission.


    In long hindsight, Scientology to me, their mission was longrange “case” alleviation.

    Hubbard’s idea of “case” is our soul memories and/or soul memories from invisible souls with unbeknownst to us, infest our human body, and these invisible souls leak their deep unbeknownst to even these invisible souls’, soul memories over to us telepathically.

    We humans suffer from past lives soul memories we all can’t even see. Plus we have leakage soul memories hitting us and debilitating to us, leaking from all the invisible souls that infest our human bodies.

    Scientology’s pseudo-therapy/exorcism-“soul-freeing” is the Hubbard developed quackery to supposedly alleviate and free us from ALL of the “case” soul memories we are unwittingly and unknowingly debilitated by.


    Hubbard ought never have gone into the marketing ploys, and the paperpusher monumental organizations being so important to Hubbard’s just getting his soul memories alleviation quackery to the public.

    Ex’s most nastily messed up by Scientology were part of the “administrative” framework operations Hubbard enclosed the Scientology quackery outfit within.

    All Hubbard really ought to have done, is stick with his quackery, do it himself, relay the quackery in books or writings, to others to do it on themselves. He ought to have let others do the quackery on their own, no oversight, no cult bureaucracy beating done on them in all directions as official Scientology does today.


    (I’d never today advise anyone do the Hubbard quackery. I think interested people today only need to scan over the Hubbard quackery, which is in three volumes:

    Subject Volume 3
    Subject Volume 4
    “The OT Volume”

    that’s enough, to get the gist of the Hubbard quackery.)


    This whole Miscavige era is just massive megalomaniac Hubbard’s final orders and deeper paperpusher strategic organizational policies (I used to be a Flag OEC/FEBC Courseroom staffer, I know the Hubbard cult bureaucrats’ crap inside out and backwards), which ONLY are paperpusher framework to delivering the Hubbard soul memories alleviation quackery organizations.


    Official Scientology is a weird outfit, and it is what Hubbard in a sense ordered, much of it way worse, due to Miscavige’s personality, but the framework core principles/policies are Hubbard demanded. More benign “leaders” could of course and ought replace Miscavige, someday, to stop the Miscavige extremist Hubbard’s worst, but what the potential future more innately benign future leaders who come to replace Miscavige, will be engulfed in, is this “administrative framework” straitjacket of policies and staff positions and the organizational chart of Hubbard’s which future leaders are NOT allowed to dispense with.

    The Hubbard “admin cult bureaucracy system” is demanded, by Hubbard.


    Only the splinter groups and individuals have the leeway, they’ve all been excommunicated by official Scientology, and the ones kind of most benign out in the world, who I think are most deserving of being called practicing Hubbardites/Scientologists, are:

    The Dror Group in Israel
    Advanced Org Great Plains
    Tom Martiniano
    Trey Lotz
    and my favorite benign Scientology group, “Max Hauri’s” led “Ron’s Org” in Switzerland


    Miscavige was never a viable “auditor” (one who is the empathetic compassionate therapist natural type of human being).

    A Scientology auditor, like a Tom Martiniano, or Trey Lotz, are persons who literally love to be auditors. LIfeling “field auditors” types of persons, who day in, day out, love to sit down and do the one on one Hubbard pseudo-therapy/exorcism-“Soul-Freeing” on another person, are the core core Scientologists.

    Not the more whacko indie Scientologists, I’d never in my life ever recommend them, other than I do listen to them, just to hear their theoretical soul views variations of L. Ron Hubbard’s already far out kooky soul ideas.

    The more benign good natured Scientologists, although sadly, or not, cannot dumb down Scientology sufficiently to the average public, and they will likely more be still trying to lure newbies into doing their benign style of the the Hubbard pseudo-therapy and exorcism though.


    Again, to sum up, Scientology core soul beliefs are that we each are a soul. We have past lives memories which are debilitating to us. We have memories leaking into our minds which leak into us from the invisible souls that infest our human body.

    These two types of soul memories: a) our own, b) from the souls’ minds which infest us, ALL those memories are our “case”.

    Scientology aims to eliminate and alleviate the debilitating effects of our “case.”

    That’s supposed to unleash our native immortal soul ESP/telekinetic and soul-flying abilities to us, doing all this Hubbard pseudo-therapy and exorcism.

    My two cents hindsights of my time in Sea Org, 1975 to 2003, and my interest since leaving Scientology and reading up on it since quitting it in 2003/4.

    Chuck Beatty

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I confirm the lies about any effects in Portland. I live there, and make fairly regular trips to downtown. There is heavy drug use on the streets all around their supposed ideal org. It is actually the only organization left. There used to be a large successful mission in 70’s, turned into a celebrity center and a day and foundation org. But now they were all collapsed into this giant shell with almost no one in there.

    Crime rates, death from drug addicts smoking, injecting and snorting their poison have gotten dramatically worse. Their godless cult has done absolutely nothing about it other than generate false press releases and put a fake video out with their fake miracles..

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